David Widger
2018-12-03 19:41:01 UTC
Grounds of Natural Philosophy, by Margaret Cavendish 58404
[Full title: Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into Thirteen Parts]
[Subtitle: The Second Edition, much altered from the First, which
went under the Name of Philosophical and Physical Opinions]
[Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/4/0/58404 ]
[Files: 58404.txt; 58404-h.htm]
Thanks to Marc D'Hooghe at Free Literature
[Full title: Grounds of Natural Philosophy: Divided into Thirteen Parts]
[Subtitle: The Second Edition, much altered from the First, which
went under the Name of Philosophical and Physical Opinions]
[Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/5/8/4/0/58404 ]
[Files: 58404.txt; 58404-h.htm]
Thanks to Marc D'Hooghe at Free Literature